Thursday, 25 June 2015

What is your favourite party game?

The most popular was Pinata.  

Party Time

How many people were asked to vote?

24 People were asked to vote!

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Oscar's Pie Graph

In Room 15 we have been doing charts/pie graphs to find out what we wanted at our party.We have been using things such as counters, ice block sticks and cubes to gather information on what we wanted at our party. The Statements are...
Rugby and pass the parcel tied last on the popular chart.
 Lolly hunt/Scramble had 10 votes.

What is your favourite party game?

How many more people wanted pinata than lolly hunt/scramble?
3 more people wanted pinata than lolly hunt/scramble.

Pie Chart !!!!!

No-one wanted pass the parcel.
One person wanted pin the tail on the donkey.

Block Chart !!!!!!!!

The dynamite chickens have been making charts in room 15. The whole class voted and then we put all the votes into a block chart.To vote we had different colours of blocks each colour represents a different flavour of food.